Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's A Weird Little World Out There

It was a bit chilly out there today. This morning we had our Christmas breakfast with the drivers. It was awesome. For one hour, I get to act the goof and just be silly. I am just of the guys, there for a good time. There are no boundaries, no us versus them, just a group of people sharing a meal together. I loved every minute of it!
Now that I am home, I am relaxing and just surfing around the world wide web. OMG!! It can be a frightful place, but oh so fun.
I stumbled on this image today!
She is one brave lady. I"m terrified of the flu shot. :(
I'm not sure if I have shared this link or not, but I am willing to share again. It's my favourite part of the show to be quite honest. I always wondered how they can create so many different ideas over such a lengthy period of time. When this show first aired, I was in elementary school.
Another thing the net has taught me, no matter how bad your day was, there is always someone that is worse than yours. CAUTION: some very graphic pics, not suitable for all viewers.
There is also some self-help at our fingertips.
When all else fails, we can simply hide in the closet until the badness goes away for a while.

I'm going to try and coax Napoleon out of the front hall closet. I hope you all have a great night!

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