My parents for the most part, are doing very well. Just a little snag. The conversation sort of went like this:
Me- So, what's new?
Stepfather- Not much really. Neighbour has hemorrhoid, the pears we bought at the grocery were bad on the inside, step dad has a pace maker, they built a new Costco on highway 115....
Me- Wait, wait, wait....
Mom- hm?
Me- Back up a scooch,
Mom- I can't believe they would sell bad pears. That is so wrong. There are a lot of people who only have a certain amount of money to spend. They can't waste it on bad pears.....
Me- No. Not that far back.
Stepfather- I haven't been in the new Costco yet. I wonder if it is laid out the same.
Me- Probably. Not what I'm trying to understand though. What about the pace Maker?
Mom- Oh. Didn't we tell you on the phone?
Me- Nope. You mentioned that Len wants to go to Curves but they won't let him because he is a man.
Stepfather- But I think their workout would be better suited for me.
Me- It's a woman's only gym. Women don't want to be gawked at when they are working out. The pace maker?
Stepfather- My heart doesn't beat in rhythm. They are trying to fix it.
Me- Why do you know about the neighbour's hemorrhoids?
We watched a lot of movies on our little vacation. It's kind of weird. When I'm at my parents house, I forget they don't have the same channels as we do. We have the video on demand thing, which I absolutely love. You can pause and watch whenever you want to. You don't have to wait for a certain time. I always forget there is something I'm waiting to watch until it's too late. Then the program is done and I'm behind a few episodes. Anyway, we watched the second Harry Pottery film, The Secret Chamber I believe. I seem to only watch Harry Potter when I'm at my parent's house. We also watched Defiance. For any of you Psych or Sociology majors out there, this film shows great examples of Mob Mentality. We also saw Pineapple Express.
I also did a fair amount of knitting now that my shoulder has finally gotten better.
These are my Skeleton Stockings:
Look! The feet are complete.
I also worked on my wavy scarf:
Can you tell I like that close up feature on the camera?
I started a new project for one of my husband's kickboxing instructors:
Zoe Mellor's Moss Stitch Baby Cardigan. It is not much to look at now, but I have a feeling it will look pretty cool when I'm finished.
I also picked up some yarn to make a toque for Brian. It will have a Transformer theme. You remember that cartoon? The one where the cars are actually robots. They've made a few movies about it as well.
I'm not sure how the design will progress. When I have an image, I will be sure to share it with you all.
Oh! Something really cool to share!
Check the size of this monitor:
Maybe it is easier to see without Napoleon in the foreground.
Our friend gave it to us. I can't believe the difference from our old one. It's incredible. All my windows I have open are not all crammed. I transfer files so much easily. It's awesome!
I also completed a lot of my little projects on my list that I made at the start of my holidays.
I sorted all my yarn:
Looks pretty cool eh?
I moved around my living room furniture. I should have taken a picture of that for you. Tidied up a lot. We got rid of some things that we no longer needed. It feels good to be all uncluttered.
I'm all tuckered out now. So is Napoleon.
We did a lot in this short little time we had off.
I'm off to bed. Good night everyone. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas!