Jackie loves going for a ride in the truck.
Unfortunately, she does not like her picture taken.
I can't say I blame her, I avoid that dreaded at all costs as well.
I do wonder what this puppy thinks of this giant thing that moves faster than she can run fast and magically transports us to new places to explore.
We came across this field of sunflowers.
What I found really fascinating, is all the flowers are pointing in the same direction! I had not noticed this until Hubs pointed it out to me when we were going over my photos.
I like the idea that plants have means of communicating with each other, even if it is to agree on which way to face.
The reason we were searching for interesting items to photograph is because my studio is almost finished!
All that remains is to install the light and add some frames for the window and door.
Hm. I could probably start painting in that room now that I look at it in the photos.
That will be my plan today.
I will find all my paint supplies and start to set up shop!
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of their week!