I call this one a crochet creation. I am not honestly sure where I am going with this. It may be a top or a never-ending strip of god only knows what.
This is a toque for the daughter of a lady I work with. By the way, this is my head. Her daughter requested something plain and black. Ah yes, teenage years. I went through those. Errr......at times go through those :)
This is also a side view of my cool new specs! The Hat is just a basic seed or moss stitch. It knit up super quick on size 6 double pointed needles. I created it during Pan's Labyrinth. Kick ass movie!!
This is the beginnings of a blanket. I'm sort of just "going with it". It's something new I'm trying, this "going with it". I never just do anything. I always have sort of plan no matter how far fetched. It is still a plan. Anyway, it is a make up of cables and seed stitch because those are my favourite stitches to accomplish. I love that look. I hope this works well. When it is eventually finished, I will definitely show you my efforts.
Napoleon was on hand (or lap) to add in his two cents.
Rebel is a little more into the hands off approach. He will supervise from afar. He likes to be in the same room with you, but really avoids being touched by people not me. I'm cool with that. I respect his wishes.
I think that about covers it. I am going to spend quality time with Paper Mario. I love that game. It is one I can figure out on my own without rushing to the cheat sheets. You all have a great night and I hope to hear from you soon.