I am always amazed at how well things bloom and flourish with little assistance from me, which is good. My work hours are making things very difficult to provide the care I would like to my little garden.
I also found a few items which I had no idea were growing or how they came about.
Do you recognize these plants?
They are all over the grass. I am going to be sorry to lose them when it is time to mow the lawn.
My herbs are also doing fantastic. I used my mint in a salad for lunch this afternoon with watermelon, feta, and olive oil.
The raspberry bush is also thriving.
I'm thinking I need to procure another...
The Begonias are also thriving.
I have also been a knitting a little bit.
I have this idea for a tunic type shirt.
This is my progress so far:
When I'm not out in the garden or cheering on the aliens, I am catching up on this show Vikings! I started to watch because I heard Gabriel Byrne played a role. I have not seen him in anything since In Treatment.
Even the theme song can cause chills.
I'm off to read a for a bit. Have a good day everyone!