It is only the first of January and I fallen three times.
I should probably invest in a helmet.
At least I am not alone....
If I hear a click or laughter behind me, I hope you will let me know what to look for on Youtube. :P
To make my mood a little lighter, I am taking part in a mystery knit-a-long.
If you do not want to see any pictures or read any details, you might want to click off.
It is called, Torirot Mystery Mittens January 2014
This is my second attempt, now with sparkles!
The first one was much too small,
I went up a needle size and chose a different yarn for the main colour, hence the sparkles.
That way you can tell which flailing Canadian on Youtube is pirouetting on her way to work.
I think Napoleon has the right idea with regards to all this winter stuff.
Just think, only 72 more days until Spring.
Stay warm everyone.