Enter my neighbour.
He is an older gentleman who saw me struggling to free my beloved truck from resting place. I was rocking that bad boy back and forth as best as I could muster. He just would not be moved. I tried to put my indoor mats under the tires for a bit of traction. No go. My neighbour tried to shovel some of the snow away. Nope. It was odd. It looked to be just temperamental. There was no snow per se blocking the path, just a bit of ice.
Then it got scary. As I was rocking it, (drive, reverse, drive etc.), he decided to try and push the truck.
Not to sound ageist, but, he is a mature individual. I had this horrible image of him falling down and clutching his chest. On the news would be splashed: Good Samaritan, Falls to Death After Trying to Help Airhead Who Couldn't Drive.
Anyway, He freed me. I am very thankful and am thinking the least I can do is make him a manly looking scarf, or a toque, perhaps some glittens? I say manly because, I have not actually seen him wear any winter gear except for that day. He had on this odd looking brown toque. I can make one so much better. When hubby has time, I'm going to ask him for some guy ideas for a toque or some sort of accessories.
Glittens is my new word for the week. I had no idea I even owned some. It is the word given to those convertible mitts. I like this word. It takes up less space and is pretty much to the point. A mitten in marriage with a glove. I wonder who thought of that term?
I went to the local yarn shop and paid for my sock class. I am so psyched! The day I knew I was going to see her, (day being near-death experience Thursday), I had this goofy grin on my face from the minute I locked up the office until I walked through the door of the shop. I love that feeling. I get so excited by something so utterly cool, that I cannot help but smile. I love that. Makes me sound healthy.
I chose two yarns for the first and second sock lesson:
This is for the second set of socks:
I couldn't wait to get started. As soon as I had arrived at home, I rolled that skein into a ball and proceeded to start on my homework knitting the required swatch.
I knitted this little fellow on 2.5 needles. The task was to make eight stitches equal an inch. I did it!!
I love these colours. They kick some serious ass.
Last night hubby helped me dye my head a shade of cardinal red so it will be all fresh for our big night out tonight. I am leaving my apartment willingly, to hang out with people I am not too familiar with, that is what makes it a big night, (the work thing I was telling you all about the other day).
I am off to relax in front of some good old daytime tv and perhaps a movie or two. Hope you all have a great week end.