Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh What a Night

We have a little situation over here at Chez L. It would appear that Husband has gotten into a bit of trouble.

Caution............the following pics are not for the faint of heart. They involve tubes and body parts. (Nothing showing that your bathing suit covers, just arms and legs.)


As you can see, the leg is about five times the size it should be.

That was the doctor who drew a line around the sore spot, not me.........honest!

The doctors have put in a a shunt that will take the antibiotics right into the blood stream to combat the infection.

We will have to go to the walk in clinic for the next five days.
Looks like I have a new routine.
But have no fear, the doctors are in the house

As long as we follow their strict orders, and do not interrupt nap-time.

As you can see, there is still traces of yellow.

Since we are grounded, I will be catching up on some knitting and painting. I have managed to complete the baby niece's sweater and mittens.

I like that there were barely any seams. It mostly knit up as a whole.

This was actually quite fun. The colour is what attracted me to the piece in the first place. I do not wear a lot of hot pink, so I get to live vicariously though the little one.

I love the buttons.

At the moment, I have a few things on the go. I offered to help with a test pattern sometime last September, but I have discovered that i am a very slow knitter and probably not the best choice if you need speed.
This is the top view:

And this is the underside:

As you can see, I have a bit tidying up to do with the loose ends. I am a bit nervous because I suspect that I may run out of yarn at some point on the mate. If that proves true, then I will have to go with plan B. Actually, I will have to think of plan B.
Well, I am off to watch the move X files and work a few scarves. Have a great night everyone!!