I also finished an idea for a halter top:
I am going to tweak it a bit. I'm not completely in agreement yet.
I was in a destroy mood last week end and spent the greater part frogging items I had no attachment towards.
I came across this Colinette Giotto ribbon yarn and needed to do something with it.
I made a tank top from it eons ago and was quite pleased with the effect. I thought I would try another spin on that creation.
It is probably a good thing my week end will be rained out. It will give a chance to put a few more things away and work on some indoor projects. It is rather gloomy outside.
That little patch of the blue is the only blue in the sky. The rest is cloud covered. The snow is starting to melt and create some very awesome road conditions. As long as there is a bit of road for my tires to grab, it should be fun. This kind of weather is perfect for catching up on television shows and getting addicted to new ones.
I am not sure what sort of creation will come out of my kitchen. At the moment, I'm thinking Kraft dinner :P
I'm going to finish my coffee and organize a few items. I'll check back in with you all a little later. :D