It sort of looks like the picture doesn't it?
While I knit like a fiend, Hubby is busy mixing the medicine:
Why did they name this after B52s? I'm pretty sure it is not in remembrance of the pop group. Although, I really did dig that song Love Shack. How can you not wiggle your butt to that tune?
If I disappear of the internet, it is because of the little fuzzy techie:
Should have called him Chewy. He is also the reason I go without a phone for days and not realize it. I just like the quiet. I start to realize we have no phone when I start getting crazy emails wondering why I am screening my calls. I don't have that feature. That makes me examine all my cords more closely. Sure enough, I can then be seen at the techie stores asking for cords that resemble these, but less chewed.
I'm used to the weird looks now.
I'm off to knit a few swatches for my sock class tomorrow night. Look how responsible I am, doing homework!
America's Next Top Model is also on tonight. I have a busy night ahead of me.
Have a great evening. :)