Please Mom, just ten more minutes
Please Mom, just until the next commercial break........
It was quite the magical box. Saturday morning cartoons were the ultimate. Now, when I see those shows, I can recognize them for the half hour commercial hocking toys that they really were, but I still loved them. Shows like Jem and the Holograms, G. I. Joe, Glow Worms, Read a Long Gang, The Care Bears........That list of programs we watched is longer than my attention span, which is impressive considering the hobbies I maintain. The game shows were a whole other addiction. Bumper Stumpers, Classic Concentration, Card Sharks, etc etc etc.....
Now look at the programs we have today. This is what started my line of thinking into this subject matter. There will be a whole bunch of series and seasons premiers these next few weeks that have me totally psyched. Fringe will air in the next few weeks. America's Next Top Model will start tomorrow. A new show called Glee has peaked my interest. I was in a chat forum the other day and everyone was talking about this other show that has me madly trying to locate the time and channel it will start, Vampire Diaries. While I was using one of the many torture devices at the gym, I saw that The Tudors will be on shortly. There is a never-ending amount of shows that I want to watch. It can be scary really, but those shows are the reason why I really like this time of year.
I can't think of a transition phrase, so I'll just blurt out the details of my week end.
My parents were visiting this week end. We had a great time. They were staying close by in their motor home. They had a wonderful spot. The National Geographic Channel was just outside their window.
It's a good thing for the squirrels that Mom does not let her cat out. Their population would decrease quickly if he had free reign of the place.
Well I'm off to bed. Today was surprisingly long. I hope you all enjoyed your long week ends. Take care everyone
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