I have a very good and patient friend, help me through my little.........problem. I now have the tools to work this Entrelac like no one's business.
Now my tight security is guarding my work to make sure nothing corrupts my progress:
I finally got around to opening my mail from the previous month. I'm not sure why I haven't until this point. It's not like it is super stressful work. Long story short, look what I have:
My scarf from the Traveling Scarf group from Ravelry!
I have to be honest at this point. I was concerned about what would be returning to me after my little bit made it's rounds. I worked very hard on the parts I contributed to the other knitter's scarves. I was hoping they would do the same for me. I am not disappointed at all. In fact, I'm thrilled. I couldn't ask for better. My photo does not do the scarf justice. I could not get the entire scarf in the shot.
Napoleon was not exactly helpful in this task:
He is a very clever criminal, moving too quickly to be caught on film.
I hope the snowfall did not put on a damper on any one's week:
I'm just hoping it is gone before my long week end begins.
I leave with this
Maybe if I get this tune trapped in every one's mind, it will leave my brain alone. :)
Heeheee<< evil laughter.
I'm going to play X-Blades. Have a good night everyone. Stay safe :)
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