Monday, April 20, 2020


We have been pretty occupied this weekend constructing our chicken coop.
It has been quite the learning process for Little Man who has been feeling pretty good about his accomplishment.
So far, here is the progress up until this afternoon:

What a wonderful feeling to see something built from the actual ground up!
They are a bit out of order but you get the main idea.

For myself, I dedicated this weekend to cross stitching.

Little Luna has been very helpful!
My Deathabilly by Marcus Jones, has been so much fun to work on!

With the weather getting a little warmer, my green friends have sprung up!

It seems each day, something new returns!

Jackie is giving me the side eye.

She is a more efficient time piece than any clock I have!
I am scheduled to work tonight so, off to bed I go.

Let me know how you are all doing. I hope wherever you may be, you are able to get a bit of fresh air.

See you later.

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