In just a few days Little Man will be heading off to his first official year of Secondary school in a new school in a new town. Needless to say, there is a lot of anxiety this week. He will be entering into year three of Secondary. After living in Ontario for most of my life, the Quebec school system still baffles me. My job is the scavenger for the school supplies. I finally have that nailed down.
My parents just left from a little visit. They arrived last Tuesday and left for home yesterday. They had a nice time although, it was not without some adventure. Unfortunately, one of their cats planned a great escape in New Brunswick. This wasn't one of the friendliest of cats you would ever encounter. In fact, I had only seen it once and very briefly. My parents travel in an R-V. They have been doing so for years. Most of their trips are from Ontario to Prince Edward Island to visit with family. They have always brought their furry children with them who have for the most part enjoyed the trips. Being in the camper is like traveling in a mobile home to which they have adjusted easily enough. It is filled with common objects and smells. This particular cat, is having none of it. He hissed and snarled all the way to P.E.I. and homeward bound. My parents had pulled over for the night in New Brunswick. The next morning, they went to step outside, walk around a bit, get some fresh air and.....swoosh! The great escape was made. They stayed there at the spot for the entire day, trying desperately to locate and bribe the feral creature back into the trailer. Mom came close, but it made such a swipe at her, she had to leave him be. They were both very heart broken, but there was just nothing left to be done. Sadly the cat is now a resident of New Brunswick.
On to the next province where they discovered they are not too fond of the lighting system. Quebec highways do tend to get rather dark a bit early this time of year. The longest day of the year has passed. There are lights at intersections but the signs to inform you of what town you are entering, how to get to the next location et cetera are not always clearly visible. My parents do not drive after a certain time of day. It just becomes too difficult for them and zaps out all of the fun. They were a few hours from my place. It was getting darker. They had an idea where they were, but just needed confirmation to make certain.
Was that a road sign? asks Len.
I think so. It is just so dark. says Mom
I'll pull over we can go back and check.
They pull off to the side of the road, grab their flashlights and walk back to the sign they hoped they had seen.
Staring up at the sign using their flashlights to illuminate the letters, they find out they are indeed just a few hours east of me.
I got quite the chuckle out of this image. If you could picture my parents, both are not very tall and they feel the cold very easily. They tend to be quite bundled and look just like garden gnomes. Standing there in front of this giant sign holding up their little flashlights to read the letters. Anyways, they arrived at my place and we all had a nice time. Usually it can be a bit tense. I don't do things like my mom and she continues to try and "help" me by providing background commentary on absolutely everything. This time though, it went nicely.
My vehicle was washed. It looks almost like new.
My step dad cannot really sit still for too long. That is how he says thank you for a nice week. Little Man also learned how to do windows properly.
My parents really get along well with Little Man. Mom and Jacob watched quite a few movies together when it was too chilly to sit outside. It was nice to hear them laughing together.
Things are slowly returning to normal this morning. Our roof is almost complete.
With the heavy rainfall we experienced this summer, it really is something that Hubs was able to complete so much in such a short amount of time. I think it looks fantastic! Almost has a story brook feel to it.
The rain was not too great for my tomatoes. Sadly this is all I was able to save.
Eventually they will ripen on the counter.
I am currently working on a new pair of socks.
Sparkle Socks by Violet LeBeaux
It is a nice sock to work on while I catch up on Iron Fist.
I hope you are all well.
Talk with you later.
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