While my parents were visiting were visiting a little while back, my Mom made friends with a lady down the street. Apparently they made some sort of secret Mom deal to look after me. This deal included the nice lady to play in my garden. I did tell her that she is more than welcome to take any of the plants she sees. After all, it looks like a green mess to me. I cannot really tell the difference between weed and plant at the moment. She took me up on my offer very seriously. When I arrive home from work, I find the lovely lady in my
garden mess of foliage, happily pruning back, removing weeds and earmarking some flowers and plants. In a matter of three days, this wizard has transformed a chaotic mess into an actual garden.
As a means of thank you, I am working on
This is the yarn I am using:
It is so awesome to work with. Just glides along the needles.
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